Build It

Pagination Work

The job is simply to apply the correct number to the top left of the images, the number must always be the same as the image.

We pay $1/100 images or $0.01 per image.

The resolution for the converted images: 1080×1080 JPG.

ONLY paginate the images with a full number (e.g. 1 – 24 – 67 – 17  – 187 etc)

DO NOT paginate images with fractional numbers (e.g. 1.1 – 23.1 – 3.2 – 98.1 etc)

Example of expected result.


Install the Minercraftory font here

Download the PSD template here




Build It Membership

Material List

Shaders Used: Complementary Shaders

Material List

Shaders Used: Complementary Shaders

Material List

Shaders Used: Complementary Shaders

Material List

Shaders Used: Complementary Shaders

Material List

Shaders Used: Complementary Shaders

Material List

Shaders Used: Complementary Shaders

Material List

Shaders Used: Complementary Shaders

Material List

Shaders Used: Complementary Shaders

Material List

Shaders Used: Complementary Shaders

Material List

Shaders Used: Complementary Shaders

Material List

Shaders Used: Complementary Shaders

Material List


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